Friday, July 22, 2011

Made In America

A new ABC World News series, "Made in America", has made many folks more aware of just how many of the items in their households are not made in this country. Mentioned are statistics showing that, if each one of us spent just $3.33 more a year on American made products, we could create 10,000 new jobs.
...So there I stood in the electrical aisle at Walmart, trying to decide between the American made GE light bulbs and the 25% cheaper generic ones (typical pkgs in the photo). A closer look, however, revealed that the GE bulbs were actually manufactured in China, and that their less expensive generic equivalents, distributed by a Canadian company, were actually made in America.
Brownbird - I love it when things work out that way =:o) -July 22nd


David said...

Manufacturing in North America is coming back in little pockets (my new A/C and all the parts it was made out of). Not something you get to read about all the time. Combination of us getting smarter, oil and cheap labor getting more expensive. Plus the Chinese government can't subsidize everything!!! :)

Paul Clark said...

I was reading an article the other day about how the U.S. Navy was letting a British company dismantle 2 of it's ships at a Texas shipyard. The article stated that since it was a British company none of the money for dismantling the ships would stay benefit the U.S....I guess they meant the besides the suppliers, yard workers, port authority, etc...