Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Art In Architecture

My Father-in-Law's inability to draw a straight line on a piece of paper belied his ability to design - entirely in his head - and execute his craftsmanship on something like this complex gable on our house. Constructed of solid redwood, the "birdcage" fixture below the roof peak serves multiple functions: It places attic ventilation out of sight and supports an extended gable line.
P.S. - Forgive the aging paint - I'm in high level partner negotiations on the selection of new paint colors for our house =:o)
Brownbird - can't believe we built this ourselves 40+ years ago - February 8th


future boat babe said...

I'm impressed.

Paul Clark said...

I've looked at them a million times, and never thought that much about them. I guess they are a work of art...