Sunday, March 24, 2019


I've had this hummingbird feeder up for the better part of a year, and have yet to see a hummingbird anywhere near it.
That's o.k., I'm retired...I can wait =:o)
Brownbird - March 24th
*Some might say, "Well, if there's no hummingbirds around, why do you have a feeder?" I might reply that if I didn't put a feeder up, I'd never see a hummingbird! Who's the crazy old guy now?? =:o)


Paul Clark said...

There was a spotting at 5001 Glasgow Ave in 1975, so don't lose hope...

David said...

I never saw a hummingbird in Florida until I lived in Geneva and happened to glance out the windows and saw one sniffing zinnias.....I've had a feeder pretty much ever since.