Monday, March 14, 2011

Mystery Monday - The Power Of Observation

I can understand not noting his presence during the photoshoot, what with all the action. The real mystery lies in the fact that he continued to remain invisible during the entire week that this photograph was my computer wallpaper (I finally noticed him Sunday afternoon).

At the edge of the stream, directly at the point of the white arrow, is an Acadian Flycatcher. The more famous kind - the Great Crested Flycatcher - uses our Screech Owl nesting box every year to raise a brood. Now that I know we have an Acadian visiting (we're at the southern tip of their range in Florida), I'll be on the lookout for him....easy to I.D.: olive green head.


Brownbird -this head of hair is graying and heading south.... =:o) - March 15th (watch your back, Julius)

1 comment:

David said...

I actually saw this guy but didn't read the Monday title....but thought he was a male Gold Finch enjoying the warmer weather before he went all yellow.