Friday, February 18, 2011

Cold War - Bunker Mentality

As I approached the AT&T facility in my travels yesterday, I decided to stop and grab a quick photo. I've passed this Cold War relic bunker dozens and dozens of times over the years, and if I had decided to grab that photo, say, in the early 60's, I would have encountered a sign prohibiting just that, and my camera might have been taken from me. Nowadays, judging from the absence of all but two microwave horns on the tower, fiber optics have opened up more modern means of communications.
Back in 1960, when I was part of the Pershing missile assembly crew at Martin, and SAC was flying B-52 Stratofortresses out of McCoy AFB (now Orlando International Airport), McCoy, Martin and the AT&T facility were all on the USSR Hit List (see map - our house is the smiley face =:o)
A little trivia: In the aerial shot of the AT&T bunker, you can still make out the six pyramid-shaped vents on the North "lawn", along with the nuclear blast indicator...that short pole just above the vents
Brownbird - tomorrow: revisiting an old warrior - February 18th

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